In Loving Memory
Alycia Salerno
6/21/83 to 4/20/96
Gone But Not Forgotten
Like the eternal flame of a candle,
you have given us so much love and light.
And with your smile, spread warmth to all
those who knew you.
Spread your wings our loving angel.
We will know when you are near,
for your golden flame will gently flicker.
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Alycia was full of life before her life tragically ended on April 20th, 1996 when she was hit by a drunk driver.
We remember her infectious smile and her giving heart each and every day.

In Memory of Alycia Salerno
She was simply an Angel, loaned to the earth
Bringing joy to us all from the day of her birth
All those who knew her were warmed by her smile
For someone so young, she had such grace and style
From Alycia’s short life there’s so much we can learn
Like love and respect are things we must earn
So we ask ourselves why God took her away
In the Prime of her life, she left us one day
Could it be that in Heaven He needed her more
And her gold wings were waiting at Heaven’s door
She’s our guardian Angel flying high in the sky
We will see her again, the day that we die
We know she is safe in Heaven above
As her memory lives on in her undying love.
Rhymes for Reasons
© Christine M. Tozzo, 1996
Price to Pay
The poison racing through your veins
Dulls your senses and your pains,
So you decide to drink one more
Before heading out the door
Slip yourself behind the wheel
A little “tipsy” — no big deal,
Blurry vision — clouded mind
Mesmerizing lights that blind
In the blinking of an eye
You strike the child and watch her die,
Still your brain can’t comprehend
The “poison” now your only friend
Tell me now what do you feel
This nightmare is so very real,
Was escaping worth the cost
Of a child forever lost
Now it’s time for you to pay
For the life you stole away!!
Rhymes for Reasons
© Christine M. Tozzo, 1997